Chapter 32

“Well, dorei, is this what you wanted?” she asked.

“Hai, Joō-sama, if it pleases you.” My voice was soft and shaky.

“This pleases me very much. Does your head hurt?”

“A little, Joō-sama.”

She laughed again. “But you wanted to ōrazumu, didn’t you?”

“If you wanted me to, Joō-sama.”

“Ie. This is what I wanted,” and she rolled me over, my back on the floor.

I could felt the pain of the marks across my back, but I was looking up at her now.

She had the leather strap in her hand, folded in half. She whipped it at my nipples. The pain was tremendous.

She did both nipples several times then sat down so she could reach my cunt.

“Pain and pleasure, dorei,” she said as she reached into me.

This time, it wasn’t long before I heard ōrazumu!and I was more than ready to obey her.

Joō-sama left me in that position for over an hour as she went about doing her nightly rituals. 16