Chapter 10

Diego arched his left eyebrow at Percy. “What?”

“You in a brawl. I mean, you have such a happy-go-lucky attitude.”

Diego guffawed even louder. “Thanks for the compliment. I don’t like getting into physical confrontations. I prefer to read. No, wait. Scratch that. I love to read. Whenever possible, I’ll spend the majority of my working hours at the library with my nose buried in a book. E-books are great, but nothing beats the sensation of holding a real book in your hands. Unfortunately, paperbacks and hardcovers are rare these days.”

“Cool,” Percy said. “Do you want to own a bookstore someday? That sounds like something right up your alley.”

Diego shook his head. “Not profitable. Most people will choose e-books for their convenience and portability. They can store hundreds of thousands of e-books in their handheld devices. Then they have a wide selection of e-books to choose from and read as they travel. I dream of owning a reading café someday.”