Chapter 11

He hadn’t meant to reveal something as personal as that. He was usually a very reserved person. He blushed when Percy gasped and stared in his direction while Diego was smirking at him.

“You sly dog! Hot damn!” Diego exclaimed before punching his right arm playfully. “It’s always the quiet ones who turn out to be so unexpected.”

Rohan scowled and scoffed at Diego. “I’m not exactly a monk.”

“I know, man, but you look so fucking serious all the time. I honestly thought your sex life must be boring as shit. You know the kind I’m talking about.”

Rohan snorted. “No, I don’t know.”

Diego winked at Rohan. “I presumed sex with you will involve either missionary or doggy style, and with you being such a stereotypical male alpha, I assumed you would always be the top in any of your past sexual encounters. I think I like you even more now.”

Rohan raised both hands and gave Diego the middle-finger salute. “Fuck you.”