Chapter 16

“What happened?” Duncan asked.

They both started shouting, Nora through tears and not making much sense. Charlie was so angry he could barely get out more than growls, but I managed to piece together some of his words. It sounded like Nora hung up before Charlie got a chance to talk to his dad. Then Nora was wailing, and Charlie was shouting over her to be heard.

“Enough.” I didn’t raise my voice but the power pushed out of me. All three of the wolves went stock-still. I hadn’t done it on purpose, but I needed them to stop. Shouting over each other wasn’t productive, and Duncan had enough going on with his husband gone.

“You’re an alpha?” Charlie squinted at me. “You don’t look like an alpha. You don’t actlike one.”

“Charlie,” Duncan snapped, his eyes going wolf. “Apologize for your rudeness.”

“Sorry,” he muttered, sounding like he only partially meant it.