Chapter 17

“Don’t be petulant. If you want a spanking, all you have to do is ask.” There was a flash of the Dom from the night before in his expression, then it was gone. But that combined with the threat of a spanking turned me on. By the way Trey’s nostrils flared, he knew it, too. After a long moment of silence, Trey blew out a breath. “Later. First we need to talk about this.”

“I don’t know what there is to talk about. I stopped being able to shift. I was a shit alpha anyway. I’m weak and useless. They cast me out. I had nowhere to go, so I showed up here, hoping you’d take pity on me.”

Trey’s hand moved so fast I almost didn’t see it, and my hip was stinging from the powerful smack before my brain even registered the movement. I sucked in a hard breath, confused by the feelings suddenly rushing through me. Part of me was ashamed I’d disappointed him, but part of me was turned the fuck on by the hit and the display of dominance from him.