Chapter 22

I watched him interact with his pack members and I was always amazed by how kind he was, but remained firm and commanding. I’d never seen it done with such grace and ease. Even though I knew he was a good man—I had, after all, recognized it on that trip here years ago—it was amazing to see.

And he always made a point to ask me about my day and check in on how I was doing before he took me upstairs and put me on my knees.

If I wasn’t careful, I was going to fall in love with him.

When Trey found out I had some background in coding and web design, he asked me to revamp the restaurant’s website. I tried to insist that it had been only a couple of classes in college, and that I was by no means an expert. But he asked me to take a look anyway.

“Just try and see what you can do,” he said in that way that was both question and command. I wanted to please him, so of course I agreed.