Chapter 21

“That’s all I ask.” Then his smiled turned wicked and full of heat. “Well, that and for you to take off your pants, sit on my cock, and let me fuck that gorgeous red ass until you scream.

I scrambled to comply, and went I kicked away my jeans and turned to him, he’d slid down in the chair and taken his cock out. It was really a thing of beauty, and my mouth watered. I licked my lips and Trey chuckled.

“You can suck me later. I promise.”

I groaned. “Yes, sir.”

Trey reached into a drawer in his desk and came back with a bottle of lube. He didn’t take his eyes off me as he slathered his dick until it was shiny and wet, then he crooked a finger at me. I went willingly. He turned me so I faced away from him, so my back was to his front and my legs were on either side of his. His left hand was on my hip, and the other he used to hold his cock upright and rub the head against my pucker.

I whined out a needy sound and felt the head press against my hole.