Chapter 9

“Dad!Stop!You’re going to kill her!”I screamed,trying to turn his attention onto me and away from her.Instinctively,I balled my hands into fists,then froze for a second,scared of the monster inside of him,yet terrified he would murder her.

Dad stumbled wildly toward me,searching me out with his bleary eyes.“Don’ya try tell me wha’t’do,”he slurred,then looked lost,like he had forgotten what he was doing.

“Mom?”I called,making my way past my dad.My body shook and I felt icy fingers grip my heart as I tried to see if she was conscious.

“What the hell?”Jeff yelled.

“Call Nine-One-One!”I demanded without taking my gaze off my mom.“NOW!”

I could see Jeff from the corner of my eye as he pulled out his cell and warily watched my dad.Knowing Jeff would get the police here,I squatted next to my mom,but kept an eye on my dad also.As the alcohol took complete control of his brain,his reflexes slowed,but he tried to lift his leg for another kick.Unbelievable!