Chapter 10

“Mom?Mom!”I cried,clutching Pamela.

A large,bulky man in a police uniform pulled me up from the floor,forcing Pamela to follow.I tried to push back so I could stay,but it proved useless,the man being as strong as a bull.My sister clung to me,tears pouring down her cheeks.

He ushered us into the kitchen,where several other police officers waited.The first officer motioned for us to have a seat at the table,which we did.

Pamela scooted her chair closer to me and grabbed my hand.I squeezed hers to let her know I was there for her.We would get through this together.I had failed my mom,but I was notgoing to fail my sister,too.

My eyes scanned our tiny kitchen for Jeff,but I couldn’t find him.Dread swelled inside my chest and I jumped from my chair.

“Jeff?”I called,my voice filled with panic.My heart raced and a bubble of fear pushed at my chest.

“Hey,”he said,resting his hand on my shoulder.“I’m right behind you.”