Chapter 19

Jeff was already in the room and looked surprised to see me in a towel.“Hey,”he said as he sat on the edge of the bed.“I thought you would already be asleep.”

“Yeah,I decided I needed a shower.”I pulled out a clean pair of boxers.I almost grabbed a shirt,but noticed that Jeff wasn’t wearing one.I decided to follow suit.I began to turn away to get dressed,but paused.“Hey,we forgot to pick up your regular body wash.I used that other one.”

“Why didn’t you use yours?Didn’t we bring it from your house?”

“Shit.”I laughed.“Completely forgot it was even in there.I just grabbed yours.”

A smile tugged at his lips.“Admit it,Aaron,you just want to smell like me.”

He teased,but deep down,I knew he was right.My face heated.“Whatever,man.”

He laughed as he climbed under the covers.

I waited until he turned away before I dropped the towel and pulled on the boxer briefs.I climbed into bed and slid under the covers,facing away from him.