Chapter 20

The alarm clock tore through the quiet.Jeff pulled away from me to turn it off.I pretended to be asleep in the hope he would abandon the idea of running so early.

I was surprised when he rolled back against me,spooning me as he did through the night.He slid his arm around me again and sighed into my hair as he pulled me closer.

“Aaron?”he whispered.

I debated whether to answer when I heard him.Actually,I heard him and felthim.

“God,”he whispered into my hair,squeezing me closer.His hard cock pressed against my ass,and a thrill slid through me.

His hairy chest rubbed against my back,and I loved the sensation.Before I knew it,a moan slipped out of me as I wiggled my ass against his cock.

He froze.“Aaron?”

“Mmm?”I pretended to just be waking up.I stretched as I rolled onto my back,grimacing.“Please don’t tell me it’s already morning.Please don’t make me run.”

Jeff must have bought my act,because he grinned at me.“Tough luck.We made a pact and besides,it’s good for our bodies.”