Chapter 33

She gave him a small smile.“Thank you,Jeff.The only thing I need from you is to know you’re taking care of Aaron tonight.I need to know he’s okay.”

He slid his arm around my shoulders,pulling me close.“Yes,ma’am.I will.Don’t worry.”

I didn’t care about our fight or that he might want to stop being my friend.I couldn’t sort it all out in my mind.All I wanted to do was lay my head on him and feel his warmth around me.Turning toward him,I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder.He snaked his arms around me,holding me tight while I breathed him in

Suddenly I realized he smelled of his regular body wash again,and strangely,the scent comforted me.

“Are you ready?”

“Yes,”I whispered,pulling away from his hug and wishing I didn’t have to.I looked at Pamela and saw she was asleep.“Tell her I love her,okay?”

Grandma nodded and squeezed my hand.