Chapter 34

Jeff was right about his mom.She was adamant I eat something,so I finally grabbed a pancake and a sausage link,rolled them up together and took a bite.Honestly,it tasted like sawdust,but I didn’t care.I grabbed a soda before we left.

Silence filled the truck as he pulled out of the neighborhood toward the highway.I chewed quickly and chugged my soda,staring out the window.

“I called the theater and told them what happened.You just need to call Robert when you decide you’re ready to go back to work.I also took off a few days.”

“Why?”I turned to look at him.

He flinched,like what I said hurt him.“Why wouldn’tI?”

I shrugged.“I don’t know why you do anything,Jeff.I’m not your keeper.I can’t read your mind.”