Chapter 35

“Pam,can I borrow your charger?Do you have it here?”

“Sure,it’s right here.My phone’s charged.”

I breathed a sigh of relief as I texted him back…

I can use Pamela’s.

It wasn’t until about ten minutes later when I got the next text.

Okay.Goodnight Aaron.If you need ANYTHING,please call me.I am here for you.I am so very sorry about your mom.

I stared at his words for a minute before I turned off the phone and climbed to the top of the bed.I set a pillow behind my back and Pamela lay next to me.I clicked from the news program on TV to one of our favorite shows.She snuggled up as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and we quietly watched without talking.

When the program ended,I looked down to see Pamela silently crying.I didn’t know what to say,so I pulled her closer and hugged her tight.

“Do you think Mom can see us?”she whispered.