Chapter 52

Even in my sleep,I knew I was dreaming.This couldn’t be reality.A shimmery glow covered the room as Jeff kissed me.

“Baby,”he whispered over and over,enveloping me in his strong arms.His lips found mine again and I moaned at the electric heat that jolted through me.

“Oh,Jeff,”I moaned.“Touch me,”I whimpered into his mouth.“Call me your baby again.”

“Baby,”he murmured.

God,everything felt so perfect.Intense.

His hands went everywhere.Touching.Caressing.Teasing.I moaned his name as he whispered how much he wanted me to be his.The line between reality and fantasy blurred and my shattered heart filled with love.

“Aaron,wake up!”

I brushed my hand at my ear,shooing away the annoying voice.I didn’t want to stop feeling Jeff’s touch.


Damn that voice,pulling me from my dream.I fought it with everything I had and focused on Jeff instead.“Kiss me again,”I whispered.

His lips crushed mine,turning passionate,hungry for more and…

“Aaron,you’ve got to wake up.”