Chapter 53

He rolled me onto my back and pressed up against my side,half-draped on top of me.His hand roamed my chest,and I felt his hard dick against my hip,showing he shared my excitement.

“I’m crazy about you,Aaron,”Jeff admitted,staring into my eyes.“Please don’t go out with Jon.”

“I’ll talk to him.He already knows how I feel about you,anyway.”

“He does?”

“That night at the party…when he and I left…we talked and I admitted how I felt.”

Jeff’s hand trailed down to the waistband of my boxers.“It’s been so hard to keep my hands off you.”

I grinned.“Really?”

“I’ve been in hell trying to hold back from kissing you.”

Kissing.Dreaming.Crap.“Did I kiss you while I was asleep?Is that why you woke me up?”

He grinned.“I woke you up because you were getting really loud and I was afraid you’d wake my mom.”

Heat spread across my face.“Loud?”

A smile played on his lips.“You were talking in your sleep.”

Fuck.I hadn’t done that in years—at least,not that I knew of.