Chapter 35

Father Sabella’s voice was soothing, but concerned. “I’m sure He will, my son. Now tell me, what is wrong?”

“I-I-I’ve done things. Horrible horrible things. I don’t even know where to begin…” Glen still didn’t know if Father Sabella would believe him, but he had to try to make the old priest understand. “Recently I’ve been…not myself. I’ve stolen things, made promises I didn’t want to keep, and just now I…” He sniffled. “I got into a fight and almost killed someone. He’s unconscious in a bathroom right now, but I called 911 and they should be on their way to help him. But I nearly…I wanted to finish what I started. I mean, I didn’t, but there was this…force inside me that wanted to. It tried to kill him while he couldn’t fight back.” Glen choked back a sob. “This is going to sound crazy, but I think I’m possessed.”