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I am stunned by what Barbara has exposed to me regarding her hate for the lifeguard, which I find displeasing and almost too much for me to handle in one sitting. As she rambles on and on about a man she met at the local casino, a professor of English at Remington College in Tampa Bay, allocating two dinners with him, I become bored. What my mind and heart boils down is simple: Barbara cannot dislike the man I tend to like. Unconditionally, I will gravitate toward the lifeguard and…who knows exactly what we will accomplish with each other. She has to circumvent her negative emotions for the man and live life for today, not what has happened in the past. She needs to find forgiveness for Trent and move forward. Without that, our relationship is threatened, and both of us know it. In the meantime, I feel slightly tipsy and a headache badly surfaces. I tell my friend I must get back to the bungalow to rest.
“Call me,” she says before kissing me goodbye.