Chapter 8

Gracie was about to run off and find another human for Bryan when he said, “It was nice meeting you—and Sparky.” He petted Sparky again. “Gracie, it’s time to go home.” Bryan leaned down and clipped on her leash, then turned and started to walk away. “Come on, Beagle,” he said.

She pulled back, not wanting to go until she found someone for Bryan. But he just told her to come. She gave up and followed him.

They began walking back to the car. Gracie sighed. Bryan would not find his human today. Looking up at Bryan, she knew someday she would find someone to make him happy.

* * * *

When they got home, Bryan gave her some “treats.” She did every trick he asked her to do. She danced, rolled over, sat up, and played dead. This all made Bryan smile.

They went into the room with the box that had pictures and made noise and sat on the couch.