“Instinct?” Mark chuckled. “Okay. Favorite team.”
“The Giants. And yours?”
“I rarely follow sports but…humm, I’d have to say if I keep track of any team it would be the Royals, but only because I couldn’t avoid hearing about them…back then.” Looking at the menu prompted Mark to ask, “Favorite food?”
Angelo laughed. “Anything that doesn’t bite back. But if I had my druthers, I guess I’d go for plain and simple—meat and potatoes, good basic Italian, nothing too fancy,”
“Same here, especially after all the stuff I’ve had to eat at the various functions I have to attend.”
Returning his attention to the menu, Mark decided on charred pork chops with mashed sweet potatoes, which he told the waiter when he showed up a minute later with their drinks. Angelo went for the Angus fillet mignon and a baked potato.
“I guess we both held true to form,” Angelo said with a grin.