Mark opened it, taking out a driver’s license, two credit cards, a social security card, a birth certificate, and other pieces of what he immediately understood was his new identity.
“Mathew Cole? Isn’t that a bit obvious, using the same initials?”
“It covers such things as initials on something you own, and also makes it somewhat easier for you to remember your new name. Trust me, if WITSEC does it that way, and they do, it’ll work for you. Now give me anything you have on you with your real name, please.”
Mark did, feeling as he was losing something of himself in the process. But I guess that’s the idea. A new and safer me…I hope.
Once the exchange had been made, Mark leaned back, staring out the window. When Paul said, “Mathew, Matt?” it took him a minute to realize he was talking to him. “You might want to do that a lot between here and there,” Mark said with a smile.
“Plan on it. You have to respond quickly, just as you do to Mark.”