Chapter 10

Leslie, still in pajamas, yawned loudly and slumped down on the sofa.

“Well, sleepyhead. Looks like you had a nice, long nap. No more dreams, I hope.”

“No. Catnaps are the best one can hope for, especially with these odd night hours.”

She dropped the letter into her lap. “How did it go keeping our hamlet safe from the Jerries?”

“Rather dull and boring. How many times can you yell at someone to cover this window or put out that light before it all begins to sound like a French farce? I’m practically asleep on my feet. Thank God for Winnie. Somehow she’s latched onto me and waits for me to check in. I guess we’re partners.”

“Uh-huh. Like I sad, she’s got a small crush on you.”

“Definitely not.” He proceeded to tell her about their run-in with Clive Langdon the other morning while taking the village census. “Came right out and called me a bum boy to my face, and with Winnie present.”

“Bastard. Hope you hauled off and smacked the devil.”