Flora plopped herself down with a thud that seemed to say she’d settled in for the duration. “You’re quite a lovely lady, Moira. The vicar has a jewel in you and I hope he knows it.”
A sudden blotch of red started up Moira’s neck. “I think he does. He says he appreciates me.” Then she wandered off to greet other guests.
Flora continued to reminisce about Holly with Caroline as sounding board. “Her heart wasn’t good, you see. I knew early on. Holly confided in me. Always managed to miss a beat or two she used to say. She had no relatives to speak of. However, there was that…No. It’s gone. Odd how at my age we seem to recall fragments, but never whole bits of things. With both husbands dead and buried I wonder what will happen to her estate? Who will come forth to claim it?”
Caroline tsk-tsked and shook her head. “I’ve no idea, really.” Taking advantage of a break in Flora’s monologue, she turned toward Leslie and whispered, “They’ll be coming out of the woodwork. Wait and see.”