“Shut up and drink this.” Hal held the glass while Guy took small sips, then waved him away
“Just went down wrong. As usual.”
“Mmm. We’ll just have to find the right way.”
“Not funny. Okay? Yes. I agree they have much in common. Relatively little progress considering the amount of therapy they’ve had.”
“Look, we haven’t been very successful in one-to-one or even in the few group sessions,” Hal said. “Don’t you agree?”
“I do. But we just haven’t given it time. Maybe now that they know each other better, group will bring them out more, help us find a better, more successful method of treatment.”
“The field trip is—”
“Now it’s a field trip. First an experiment, then a trip, and now—”
Hal raised his voice a notch. “As I was saying, the field trip or whatever you deem to call it is by far the quickest and best method.”
“Who says? It could be dangerous.”