Meeda pushed her way to the front of the group. “What’s the attraction?”
“Tourists. Place has a history,” Phil said, and then everyone started asking questions. Sarah wanted to know what kind of history. Vera thought it was too late in the season for tourists and wondered why there were so many. Emily mentioned she was starting to get some weird vibes.
“Come along, now. We’ll be there soon enough and you can see for yourselves,” Hal said.
Guy overheard Phil mutter something under his breath and asked what he’d said.
“I said it’s your picnic. I’ve only been out to the place a handful of times, and then only to help wash windows—”
“And get the place ready for summer rentals,” Guy supplied.
“Ain’t no renters. Place been closed up for years. Don’t know why you—”
Hal took Guy by the arm and pulled him not so gently in the direction of the boat. “Time to get going. Just wait till you see the place.”