“You can say his name,” Meeda said. “It’s Erik. There, I’ve said it.” She gave Guy the hint of a smile.
“You’re going to be fine. I’m sure of it.” Emily went over and took her hand.
“And you know this from reading a cup of tea leaves?”
Emily gave a quiet laugh. “Uh—huh, that’s exactly right. I had what a layperson, not quite so gifted, would call a moment of enlightenment. I guess I’ll just have to live with this damned curse.”
Guy had never heard Emily speak with such humor and understanding about her gift. Just what the hell was going on here? What did I miss? He was thinking how much had happened in such a short time when someone tapped lightly on the door. He recognized Vera’s voice, and said he’d be out in a minute.
Noting that Meeda was starting to nod off, he motioned for Emily to join him at the door. “You’re good with her. I really appreciate your help here.”
“She’s troubled, but I think a good soul,” Emily said.
“Yes. I agree. She is.”