“I think it’s clear why Jennie’s in the mix,” Guy said. “Who have we missed?” He addressed this last question to Emily.
“Me,” Emily said. “I don’t know why I’ve been included.” She looked over at Hal. “Do you?”
“I think it’s time for a break,” Hal said. Then he looked over at Lansing. “Coffee on?” 28: The History of Devonshire Revealed
“So, the connection is children,” Emily said. “I’m surprised I didn’t pick up on it.” She was standing in a corner of the living room talking to Guy while the others were busy in the kitchen, fixing their coffee, or munching on snacks Lansing set out earlier. “Meeda saw a child, and I as well. Or a vision of one, small, pale, sickly.”
“In the corridor upstairs, third floor, in the kitchen…wait, no, not the child, that would be the man in the tweed cap and overalls. I can tell he’s a friendly spirit, as we spiritualists or whatever in the hell I am, call it.”
Guy took a swallow of his coffee and encouraged her to go on.