Chapter 43

Did he himself succumb to the illness he treated?

No, he lived a long time, well into his seventies.

Did his father take up the medical profession?

No, he became an electrician and built their family home in a suburban area in the state.

Emily brought them back to the real matter at hand. “What did you hope to gain from it all?” She turned to Katherine Lansing. “Did you know?”

“I’m just staff,” Katherine said, “of no consequence in the grand scheme. No one tells me anything.”

Guy gave her a piercing glance, thinking Lansing might be the craziest one of all. Or at least it was beginning to seem like it

“I should think that was obvious,” Hal said, responding to Emily’s question. He waved his arm slowly about the group. “Look around you. Devonshire is a healing place. In a few short hours, I…Guy and I have accomplished what others couldn’t. I can feel it. See the change among you. Devonshire has cast its spell.” Hal’s eyes focused directly at Emily. “Perhaps, you most of all.”