Vera and Sarah exchanged looks and busted out laughing.
“I feel for that one,” Sarah said, “but she makes it hard to like her.”
Vera leaned in and whispered in her ear, “Thank God, wherever sheis. I could have wound up with that lunatic as a roommate. I’m so very glad it was you.”
“Me, too,” Sarah said, as they made their way down the stairs. “In her case, one lunatic per room is quite enough.” 33: One Helluva Psychiatrist
When Hal walked into the dining room, he found a subdued Katherine Lansing. She had a pile of manila folders in front of her, and was making notes on her laptop.
“I see you’re working,” he said. “I thought this was a vacation.”
“It is, and it’s been wonderful.”
“So much so you’re back at work?”