Chapter 23

There was one undeniable effect that developed after a few days. Tanya called Flynn the night before their Saturday gaming session. “I don’t think I can go,” she said.

“Why not? We’re almost there! We got the key tablet from the cultists and everything!”

“I—I—oh God, it’s even more awkward trying to say it out loud…”

Flynn furrowed his brow. “What’s wrong?”

Tanya took a deep breath. “I’vehadahardonforthelastfivehours.”


“I’ve—Gah, they warned me this would happen. I didn’t think it was going to be that big of a deal!”

“Wait, back up. Did I hear you say you’ve had a hard-on for five hours?”

There was hesitant silence. “Well…”

“Can girls even get hard-ons?”

“Put it this way: I’ve been extremely horny and any… stimulationjust makes it worse.”

Flynn suppressed a snort. “So you have the female equivalent of a random boner?”