Chapter 24

Even his bowl of cereal did little to distract him. His hand brought the spoon to his mouth in its habitual fashion, but Flynn was still focused on what could be bothering him. Was there something else in the dream he wasn’t remembering? He strained his memory, but the images from the previous night slipped through the cracks of his mind like sand. To his credit, when he had woken up to jerk off, his thoughts had been of Tanya without the gargantuan dick. Then again, the most erotic material his mental database had to offer were the things she claimed she learned from watching gay porn.

I’m not gay, he told himself. I know what I like. I like girls. I like Tanya. Tanya isn’t a girl. So…what do I like?It was all very confusing and Flynn wished he hadn’t started following this train of thought. He went back to concentrating on eating and getting himself ready to head over to Tanya’s.

Kaya was on her way out when Flynn got there. “You’re here early,” she remarked.