Chapter 41

Flynn got in line at Tanya’s register. She was one of three open lanes and was in the process of helping a man who had just started unloading his cart when she noticed him. Her face lit up and she smiled from ear to ear. She gave him a little wave before returning to her customer. “HE-llo. Ho-OW are you today sir?” she asked. Flynn winced. her voice was cracking worse than it had been the last time they spoke. She didn’t seem particularly fazed by it, simply mildly annoyed and eager to finish the transaction.

The man she was assisting glared at her. “Do you have a cold or something?” he asked.

Tanya shook her head. “No, sir.”

“Well, double bag the milk, and keep all the frozen food together.”

“Yes, sir.” She scanned and bagged the rest of his items in silence. “Your TOtal is fifty-EIGHT seventy-six.”