Chapter 43

The shots themselves were unnerving at first, for both of them. Flynn came over late one night when Tanya had to give one to herself. First, Tanya sterilized a patch of skin on her leg, then she slapped it a few times to prep her nerves and blood vessels, then she jabbed the small syringe into her thigh to inject her hormones. Flynn reflexively flinched and looked away for half a second. He gave Tanya a kiss and congratulated her. “I know plenty of guys who couldn’t do that, even if the shot would save their lives.”

Tanya chuckled softly. “Mine kind of saves my life. If I had to be a girl forever I would go crazy. This is fixing me.”

Flynn wasn’t there for most of the shots, only a couple now and then when he didn’t care about when he got up the next morning. His flinches became quick blinks, but every time he saw that needle disappear into Tanya’s flesh it made his insides squirm. “Can you feel it going into your bloodstream?” Flynn asked.