Chapter 48

When it was his turn, Flynn was allowed into Tony’s room alone. His family all went to get something to eat while the two visited. Tony was still a bit drugged up, but he was much more coherent than after Dean had played with his morphine drip. “Hey, Fluffy,” he said, his voice raspy.

“Hey, T. How’re you feeling?”

Tony gave a weak shrug. “Can’t complain. I’ve been wanting this for years, ever since they grew in. It’s just kinda weird for them to suddenly not be there, y’know?” He grinned. “It’s like a big weight off my chest.” He laughed, which caused him to cough slightly. “Ow. Remind me not to do that again.”

“Don’t do that again,” Flynn said, kissing Tony on the temple. “I’m glad you’re happy.”

“I am. I’m like a ray of sunshine. Look, I’m even yellow.” He pulled down the neck of his hospital gown to show off his bandages. The skin around them glowed with an odd yellow hue. “It’s from the iodine they used to clean me up before cutting me open.”