Chapter 49

“You know what that means,” Tony sighed. “No fun for me until it heals.” Kaya snickered. “Not just that, you perv. I can’t go to the gym, or do my morning stretches, or even shower normally. I’m also going to be stuck behind the register again. At least I’m allowed to push a broom…if I go slowly.” Tony groaned and flopped onto the sofa, wincing slightly. “Forgot how uncomfortable you get after people slice you open. Remind me not to do that for the next few weeks.”

“Aw, I’m sorry, T.” Flynn sat down next to Tony. He wanted to hug him, but with the bandages and blood packs, he wasn’t sure he could.

Instead, Tony leaned against Flynn and rested his head on his shoulder. He put his hand on Flynn’s thigh. “I don’t want to complain though. It’s exactly what I wanted. Soon, I’ll look the way I always wanted, and I’ll be able to do all the things I wanted. A couple more months of recovery and I’ll be fine.”

“But then you have your bottom surgery,” Kaya reminded.