Chapter 6

“Tyson, come on. How long is this gonna continue?”

“What are you talking about?” Yup, denial.

“Oh, please! You work yourself to the bone, you barely acknowledge anyone’s existence, especially mine, and you’ve become closed off. Look, this has got to stop!”

“This is not about you! My life is my own. Leave me alone!” Frustrated couldn’t even begin to cover what I felt right then.

“I can’t. I won’t. I still consider you my friend, no matter what you think is going on here. I still worry about you. I careabout you. Don’t you get that?”

“Oh, please! You pity me! You feel sorry for me. What the fuck kind of ‘friendship’ is that?”

“The kind of ‘friendship’ where I’m asking, no, beggingyou to let me in. Let’s talk. I think you got the wrong idea from our argument two weeks ago. There’s a lot I want to say. Let me?”