Chapter 31

“I probably shouldn’t have called him, but I was so upset after you walked out that I didn’t know what to do.”

“It’s all right, Mom.”

She hesitated before asking, “Do you want me to stop seeing him?”

Yes! God, yes! I longed to blurt out, but I couldn’t bring myself to say those words. I couldn’t force my mother to stop seeing a man she liked and possibly loved even if ending their relationship would certainly help my own with Paul.

“No,” I said softly. “I don’t want you to stop seeing him.” Ineeded to stop seeing him.

“No man means more to me than my own son.”

“I know that. Look, Mom, I’ve just been acting like a spoiled brat. If you want to be with Paul, then be with him.”

“I don’t want things to be strained between us.”

“They won’t be.”