Corey hangs against me and says, “That was so high school of us.”
“I told you that we were going to get caught.”
“Did you see the look on his face? I didn’t know if he wanted to join us or shoot us.”
“Corey, you’re a bad boy to the limit.”
“And you love this side of me,” he laughs.
He’s right. I like him just the way he is, unable to change him, and continue to fall for the guy, but not as quickly as he seems to be falling for me. 11: All the Cowboys are Taken
I learn over Caesar salads and white wine that Corey and Ian were once lovers. At first I feel a little uncomfortable as an intruder of their once-fling, but Ian lightens up and asks something funny: “Corey can fuck the devil, can’t he?”
I am speechless, incapable of finding words.
Corey sits at Ian’s right, jabs him in the shoulder, and says, “Stop the bullshit.”