Chapter 10

“We’ll see you later, Ian,” Corey says.

When Ian walks away, Corey digs into his wallet, pulls out three twenties, and dumps them on the table next to our water glasses. Seconds pass and he turns to me and asks, “Want to go back to my flat and mess around, cowboy?”

I smile from ear to ear, nod, and reply with: “Prove to me you’re a devil in the sack.”

Corey laughs, convincing me that he sort of has a soft spot in his heart for me, and says, “No problem. I can do that for you, and a few other enjoyable tasks.” 12: Honesty of the Male Specie

We undress in the flat, ready to get busy with each other. The lunch with Ian continues to circle within my mind and I explain to Corey while he strips out of his T-shirt, shorts, and boxers, “I want you to know I’m not in love with you. To tell you the truth, I don’t even know what love is. If you slapped me with it, I wouldn’t have a clue.”