Chapter 24

As I drive he looks over at me and I see that his eyes are puffy and red. Tears line his cheeks and his lips grow pale. “Neither of us can be weekenders and we both know it. Traveling back and forth does not keep a relationship together. We might think it does, but they never really work out. Plus, we’re different now that we’re men. Our high school days are long over and you’re a cowboy, I’m a city boy, and something with that kind of mix will never let us work out. I think you know what I mean. I think you know where I’m coming from when I say that, Gage. I’m sure you thought about this yourself and have come to the same conclusion.”

I’m numb, and can’t hear him talk anymore. My concentration turns to the long road ahead, which consists of a broken yellow line, sprawling fields, a water tower, and nothingness. One long mile to the county airport turns into dozens. What do I see in our silence?

Nothing. Let it go, Gage.

How do I feel?

Nothing. Let it go, Gage.