As for Jarr, he was questioned by Jessie Warrington, Snowden’s chief of police, and a report on the incident was written up. Nothing came of the report though, since Jessie considered Jarr one of his dearest friends, and liked the young man as if he was his own brother. 50: A New Life
July 5, 20—
10:02 A.M.
Ken’s nose felt as if it had been hit by a wrecking ball. His face was swollen, his eyes were semi-closed, and both jaws stung with pain. He slept the pain pills off that Erich had given him the night before, but felt as if they didn’t help him at all. Half of his face was bandaged with thick gauze and he looked like someone of wealthy who was in the midst of plastic surgery.
It took him more than an hour to climb out of Erich’s bed, shower, and dress. For a late breakfast he had decided on a shot of Jack Daniels and two more pain pills.