Mix below ingredients.
1 cup sugar
? cup butter
1 egg
2 tsp vanilla
1 ? cups flour
Add date mixture. Bake at 350 degrees for 25–30 minutes.
10 Tbsp. brown sugar
4 Tbsp. butter
4 Tbsp. evaporated milk
1 cup coconut
Dissolve brown sugar in the butter and evaporated milk. Add coconut. Spread on cake. Broil until lightly brown.Part 6: Richter and Nolan
51: Martinis
July 6, 20—
11:39 P.M.
I thought Richter was having an affair. No, I didn’t think, I knew. Every queer man on the planet has a strong intuition, and mine had developed into an untamable sixth sense, which clearly stated that my partner, lover, and husband of a handful of years had been cheating on me. Never was my powerful intuition wrong. Not once.