Chapter 18

Ivan followed and asked, “So are you seeing someone?”

After the initial shock wore off, I answered. “No, too busy with work and stuff.”

“You know, if you have any questions about this case, all you have to do is ask.”

“Thanks, Ivan, though I’m not sure how Elena would like that.”

“Is she going to be the prosecutor in this case? Considering she’s your ex-wife? Isn’t there a conflict in that?”

“Nope,” I said. “You should know this.” I stopped realizing my statement sounded sarcastic. I wanted to keep it professional. “Her interest is to prosecute Frank for a crime. I represent Frank; my job is to ensure that the evidence is there to convict him.”

“Still it must make you uncomfortable that your ex-wife is trying this case against you.”

“Not at all. In fact, Elena’s not a prosecutor I’d be worried about holding back evidence.”

We stopped at the railroad crossing as the gate bars came down. As the train started its long crossing, Ivan tapped his fingers on the steering wheel.