Chapter 19

The voicemails from Oakhaven police were in between his calls. The last message confirmed that we were meeting here today.

Two crime scene visits on the same day. One of my client’s, and one more personal.

When the detective arrived, I showed him where I sat.

“So, this is where you were?”


The detective asked, “How long were you here, talking?”

“Not very long. Maybe ten minutes tops.”

I paused.

Here is where Anton died.Where I got shot.

“Who else knew you were meeting here?”

“I don’t know who Anton told, but the people I work with, worked with, knew.” I cleared my throat. “So, any leads?’

“None so far. The store didn’t have video on the parking lot. There was a lot of traffic here. It was almost—”

“Almost, what?’

“Almost professional. This person knew what he was doing.”

“How do we know it’s a guy?”

“Well, we think the shooter was behind that tree across the street.”

Who would want to shoot Anton? Who’d want to shoot me?