Chapter 28

I picked up my cell to call Jessica. After I scrolled through my contacts log, I realized she wouldn’t talk to me over the phone. Not about this. I threw the phone on the desk when it rang.

It was Elena.

“Wanted to let you know that Gary talked to someone he knew at Oakhaven Police about Anton’s shooting. Still have no leads. I was going to call the officer myself but didn’t think it was right being the ex-wife.”

“Thanks for checking. I’ll get Chel later today from school.”

“That’s not the only reason I called. FDLE faxed me over the DNA reports off the mug, and stick. It turns out that the lab hired some new analysts to help with the backlog. You know Hannah’s and Frank’s fingerprints were found on the mug. However, Frank’s DNA was also found on the mug.”


“That doesn’t mean anything.” I paused. “Frank acted in self-defense. The statements he made to Pineridge placed him at the scene of the crime. But he also was defending himself.”