Chapter 30

I touched Chel’s shoulder. “Hey, Chel, are you ready to get some ice cream?”

“But I haven’t finished telling Uncle Noah what we did today.”

“He’s studying, Chel, so let’s catch up with him another time, okay?”

“Actually, Zeke and I are done for the day so I can join you for ice cream.”

Zeke. So that’s his name.

Chel grabbed her jacket and pulled her arms together. “I don’t want ice cream now.”

“How about some soup, then?” Noah asked. “You still like chicken noodle soup, right?”

My daughter nodded and grabbed Noah’s hand. Again. Realizing she didn’t grab mine, she reached with her open hand for me.

Three doors down from the ice cream shop stood a bistro. When we reached it, Noah opened the door as Chel skipped in.

Chel’s hand was grubby from playing. “Your hands are dirty. You need to wash up.”

Noah added, “I’ll order the soup.”
