On the day of Noah’s murder, after the police barged in the apartment, my daughter saw me being led out in a gurney. She shrieked when she saw me, and I told Elena to take her away. We agreed in the ambulance not to tell her Noah was murdered and right away, Elena had her parents pick her up. My daughter called me every day from North Carolina to check on me. She asked about Noah during the daily phone calls and each time she asked, I lied. I knew soon I would have to tell her.
A gentle knock stirred me. “Hey, Jake. I’m about to make some tea. Want some?”
“Sure. I’ll be right out.” When I reached the living room, I passed by framed pictures of Lou Ann and her family. Her husband, Alonzo, a retired firefighter had lots of pictures in his uniform, sprinkled with obligatory shots of them together, but they had more pictures of their kids and grand-kids.
“You have a great looking family, Lou Ann.”