Chapter 26

Andrew whispered inside Damian’s head. ::It’s a puzzle. Move the pieces around. Life is always a puzzle. You know that. You’ve always known that.::

Shem, Damian thought.


::Is it M-E-H-S?::Damian spelled out between temples.

::Wrong again, Damian. Try harder. Think about it. But hurry. You don’t have much time left. The Highwayman is out there and he’ll murder again.::

::Hems,::Damian sent the mental name to his demised brother. And then he whispered out loud for Ridge to hear, “Kyle Hems. He’s the Highwayman.”

Andrew left out a light laugh behind Damian. He then said, ::You’re smarter than a stuffed bear, Damian. You figured it out. Now, catch the bastard.::

“How do you know that it’s Kyle Hems?” Ridge asked behind the Buick’s wheel, still driving to Pier 19.

“My brother helped me, Ridge. I did a sketch he helped me translate it.”