Red Dog Road
Tartan, Pennsylvania
The punk who was heading east in his VW Bug dropped me off in Tartan at the mouth of Red Dog Road. I gave him a thanks and twenty bucks, which I felt was very generous since I didn’t slice his throat open like my other victims. The morning was crisp and dark. A strong pine scent hung in the air. An owl hooted somewhere nearby, a comforting sound.
Max Sheppner was found, I surmised. Whether he was dead or alive was a mystery to me. I was quite sure Truth and Tyson were on my tail, ready to pin to the Highwayman’s work on me. I was also sure that they knew my name: Kyle Hems. The FBI pair was not stupid and knew exactly how to take down a killer like myself. I had never doubted that, but I also had not planned for it to happen in the near future.