Chapter 27

More biting ensued, which were light and playful nips that were applied to his nipples and abs.

My opened mouth dragged along his navel and eventually fell over his erect and solid dick. Persistent licks turned into steady sucks. I gagged on his dick, pulled off of the mass for just a second, gagged again, and pleasured the both of us.

My fingertips took a remarkable and worthy tour of his furred chest. I twisted his pricked nipples and pecs, toyed with his abs, and danced two of the digits over his navel.

The next twenty minutes was a blur for me; intoxication by skin, of course. Following my blowjob, he insisted I fetch a condom out of his jeans and apply it to his dick. His instruction was carried out with such skill and bliss, famished for my ass to bolt up and down on his swollen cock. He then told me, “Sit on my dick and take a ride on it, Benry. What do you say?”